Saw The Last Jedi. Wasn't pleased. A mere listing of the stupid crap fills an article, and destroys the movie without further analysis.
No Mans Sky was a flop, but maybe not for the reason you think. The core reasons is that procedural generation does not create content for you. You have to.
Avatar made over a billion, but contains no substance whatsoever. Even worse, it poses as meaningful, while selling the audience's own prejudices back to them.
Theoretical physicist Kip Thorne destroys his reputation, as Hollywood scores another victory against realism. In this critique, all major plot points are exposed to violate science and common sense.
Critics called it an okay game that deviated from the genre. It is not okay. This in depth analysis shows it is broken on every conceivable level.

Celestia picture of the hour

This picture was created with Celestia virtual planetarium. Click to see in full. A new image is generated every hour, the object, the time and the direction is randomly chosen. It is not that simple, but that's the gist of it.