Socialism destroys, suffocates, prevents, hinders and kills. But it also does something much much worse: it extinguishes the flame of the human soul.
The nineteenth century saw science opening a new chapter in human history. The twentieth century human history fought back and attempted to conquer science. Not without success, unfortunately.
We, humans understand the concept of future, but we don't always make the best use of it.
An animation about the Earth's actual orbital speed. Not what you would expect.
Riding Dragons, 2019-06-23
Technology is not evil and technology is not safe. Technology is dangerous, dirty, harmful and we love it. We love it, beause the alternative is infinitely worse.

Celestia picture of the hour

This picture was created with Celestia virtual planetarium. Click to see in full. A new image is generated every hour, the object, the time and the direction is randomly chosen. It is not that simple, but that's the gist of it.